SamCity Backgrounds
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Friday, September 19, 2008

10 QUestion-Pinjam from Aira

1. What is my most hateful day on the week? - Monday!
2. Why exactly? - Because Monday most of us will start to work again..i have to face the same thing for over the week! and i simply turn to 'out of mood' on every MONDAY..HOw disaster!!..owh no!

3. How can it be even more hateful? -Early morning,forcing myself to get off frm bed,starting my routine again n again-Stuck in heavy jammed all the way to work plus.. i hv to B patience with the stupid driver's manner(sory ..mind my word) where simply cut my que..hello??!!! pls respect others ok?? org lain pon nk cepat jugak!!
4. What is my second most hated day? Sunday! (sometimes!) not really hated la..but can describe more to lazy day i can say !. cz many wedding to attend la..huhu~letih~
5. Again, why? - because the next day is going to be Monday!! ahaks2..
6. So, what is my most favourite day of the week? - Saturday!
7. Why is that so? Because all the burden was over and i can enjoy my weekend next!
8. So how do I usually treat saturday? - sleeping till noon, lazing around in front of the TV(same as Aira (copy paste jela),
9. So how about SAturday yesterday then? - Watched a late nite movie! :-D
10. Care to elaborate? - Happy cz im so FREE!! n doin nuttin..ofkos!

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