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Friday, September 19, 2008

All About:: WORK~

Tiap2 hari pk.naik pening dbuatnya..kalo xkerja..nk bayar kereta guna ape??
Bile dah kerja..bos plak wat hal smpai nek pecah kepala..

Begitu la aku..hari2..dan seterusnya! *sigh*

Demi kerana kerja jugakla..En.Edy kena buat solat istikharah..kerana ape? demi memilih..,jln mane yg sepatutnya diambil, n gud for his future,bnyk yg perlu difikirkan buruk dan baiknya..

Finally!!..he decided..that he's going to stay with TM(as they promised to confirm him b4 raya. Thx god!)..antara sbb musababnya:


1) Refuse to go to BAngkok(If he join Ogilvy)..doin his project n he will leave me alone here! uhuk2.
2) dah ler kena masuk 22nd SEpt nie..adeh!
(y so early?)
3) Xbest sket sbb Medical benefit xcover anak..(ape pny company la)
4) Takut nk it's America company..n takut jadi we can see wht happened to America shares rite now! Merundum jatuh..n affected to all of us here!

~ TM~

1) TM- die lebih selesa..kengkwn ..bosses sume best2..n very SUPPORTIVE! (dept die jela..yg lain2 xtau la)
2) Time is flexible..kalo lambat sket2 tu..kire ok lagi..huhu! Nk solat sume senang..xde yg menghalang (ni lebih penting!)
3) Banyak benefit..Medical coverage unlimited..(cover isteri n anak2 skali)
4) Isteri bsalin boleh smpai 5 org- Rm2500, tggi lagi pangkat lg tggi die cover..

5) biasala..2bln..paternity plak die bg 3 hari (jadila..drpd xde lgsung!)
6) Ader saham (cam maybank gak)
7) The best part-ader TM housing loan within 3 years confirmation. (so ..3thn lg baru kitrg leh beli umh)
8) car loan-which is leh trade in my old car kpd yg baru(ni pon agak menarikk..:-P )
9) ADer scholarship-as wat En.edy mention die nk smbg MAster under TM scholarship soon
10) Bonus..3bln and max til 5month! (ok gak tu! leh gi melancong..ahaks!)

11)kalo nk apply ape2 loan kt luar sana peluang sgt lah cerah..sbb ape?? TM under Tier 1 company. **Itu aku tau cz aku penah jadi loan officer dlu..
12) Sekiranya kita mengerjakan ibadah haji..gaji per month masih dibayar!..(alhamdulliah! ini yg kite cari)

Note: Ini bukan nk menunjuk2 siapa yg lebih baik@ tidak!-malah tiada kaitan yg hidup mahupun meninggal dunie :P..hanya untuk panduan far that's all i know..n dun ask me more! huhu*

Ape2 pon pilihan En.Edy..I always B there to support u dear! aku tau die sentiasa inginkan yg terbaik buat aku..

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